2Q Lead Generation Strategies with Kevin Smullin

Looking to generate real estate leads? Set up real estate Facebook ads? Convert real estate leads? Do you already have a Facebook business page or Facebook page manager? This is the place to be! I am Kevin Smullin and my company is 2Q Lead Generation Strategies. We help real estate agents dominate their digital marketing so that they generate more real estate leads, convert more real estate leads, and increase their production. Each week, we put out new videos showing you the latest and greatest techniques. Here, you will see tutorials on how to set up real estate ads on Facebook, how to generate buyer leads, how to generate seller leads, use automated messenger bots like Manychat, conduct super open houses, and get more results from your marketing. Want to work together? We offer online courses as well as done for you marketing services. Contact me at kevins@kevinsmullin.com for more info. Kevin Smullin 2Q Lead Generation Strategies www.kevinsmullin.com 123ASD098LKJ

Subscribers: 4.4K   Videos: 364   Total views: 231.1K   Gravity: 72.1*  

Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/2qleadgenerationstrategieswithkevinsmullin/
Channel ID: UCkgJQ5M34BuVuF6cSphnTKg
Channel's country: United States

Channel was established: 09 September 2016.

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2Q Lead Generation Strategies with Kevin Smullin added to FindAChannel 30 August 2021 (Channel #140680). Entry last modified 06 April 2024.