Adan Sensei - My language learning coach
I am passionate about languages. I was born in a small town in Mexico, and with the power of the internet I was able to become proficient in many languages. My goal is to empower you to challenge yourself to grow, learn to love the language learning journey, and to help you speak your second, third or fifth language! In order to give you guys transparency behind my languages here is my "self-evaluation" for them. Languages in order of fluency/proficiency: Strong languages: English: Native C2 Spanish: Native C2: Japanese: C1.5, JLPT N1, Kanken Lv 3. Korean: B1.5, I'll do the TOPIK one day. Portuguese: I would say a B1.5, but I rely a lot on portuñol. Chinese: B1? It's improved a lot. My crappy languages: French: A2. I can have basic simple conversations with a ton of mistakes. Italian: A2. Simple conversations Cantonese: A2. Simple conversations. Indonesian: A1 Just started this language recently. Super simple conversation. German: A1, super sucks, but I have the basics down.
Subscribers: 3.2K Videos: 80 Total views: 221.8K Gravity: 67.9*
Channel URL:
Channel ID: UCLSHz-QcdidIuOt4evqHgPg
Channel was established: 10 July 2020.
Channel's Videos
rating from 16,923 viewers
Mexican guy SHOCKS EVERYONE speaking FLUENT Japanese and more - Tokyo Shibuya Halloween 2023
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Mexican guy SHOCKS locals in South Korea Busan by speaking fluent Korean AND their dialect SATOORI
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A Mexican guy walks into a Japanese bar - Makes CUTE JAPANESE FRIENDS when he speaks their language
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Adan Sensei - My language learning coach added to FindAChannel 10 November 2022 (Channel #319672). Entry last modified 27 December 2023.