Adrienne Invests
Hi friends! Welcome to my YouTube Channel! My name is Adrienne. I live in Southern California. area with my husband, Noah. When we got married, we were down to two part time incomes and I had just lost one of my income sources. We had to get very creative about saving our money and what was important to us. I am a chemical engineer turned part time personal trainer, part time competitive golfer and part time YouTuber (I know it's a long story). I love to share my creative ways to save money here on my YouTube channel! Following all the tips I share, we've still been able to save towards our short and long term money goals and I'm here to help you do the same. I hope you stick around :)
Subscribers: 8.4K Videos: 240 Total views: 544.5K Gravity: 64.9*
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Channel Handle: @adrienneinvests
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 12 August 2007.
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rating from 37 viewers
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creative ways personal finance for beginners save money
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Adrienne Invests added to FindAChannel 10 December 2023 (Channel #461844). Entry last modified 23 January 2024.