Annie Little | JD Nation
My channel shares practical career strategies for lawyers to help them find jobs they actually like. Specifically, I'll show you how to highlight your transferable skills to employers on your résumé, in your cover letter, on LinkedIn, and during the interview, all while making sure you're using your law degree the way you want to (or not!). A day in the life of a lawyer can be so much more than burnout, billable hours, micromanaging bosses, and dreaming about when you should quit your job--and I want you to have more. My name is Annie Little, and in my prior career I practiced real estate law for 7.5 years. But since 2012, I've been a lawyer career coach helping hundreds of lawyers land, lead, and succeed in the legal profession--and beyond. You can expect new videos every week or two, so make sure you click the bell icon to be notified when I publish a new video! If you have any questions or video requests, just leave a comment on any video. Thanks for watching!
Subscribers: 1.1K Videos: 53 Total views: 46.7K Gravity: 63.8*
Channel URL:
Channel Handle: @thejdnation
Channel ID: UCV1w4Bhit6v_ZwGSh55FDuQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 10 April 2014.
Channel's Videos
rating from 26 viewers
How to Get Hired in a Competitive Legal Job Market | Job Search & Networking Strategies for Lawyers
rating from 15 viewers -
LinkedIn for Lawyers | 4 Quick Ways to Optimize Your Profile for Job Search
rating from 10 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Annie Little | JD Nation added to FindAChannel 17 November 2023 (Channel #440090). Entry last modified 28 April 2024.