Applied Project Management, by Uruk PM
The concepts we discuss in our recent videos are supportive or in line with the approach we are using for the Uruk Platform. The Uruk Platform is a pioneering, comprehensive, and versatile cloud-based solution for leading projects from inception to success! Project Management has become a necessity for any organization, regardless of the industry or domain. Uruk Project Management understands the reality of the world of PM, challenges, and opportunities. It is vital for us to understand that project management is an applied domain and to master it, we need to use what we learn, in the real world, and on real projects; hence the name of the channel, Applied Project Management. To learn more about Uruk PM and the Uruk Platform, please visit or LinkedIn page If you want more in-depth learning, head to The Quest to Mastering Project Management (PM Quest;
Subscribers: 3.9K Videos: 446 Total views: 307.3K Gravity: 56.8*
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Channel ID: UCZy0sry6HROkuMRskpGo7Wg
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 25 August 2013.
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Applied Project Management, by Uruk PM added to FindAChannel 08 April 2021 (Channel #22764). Entry last modified 09 April 2024.