Arlena Lecroy
Hi. I am a Mawmaw and Mom to 2 beautiful granddaughters, a daughter and a son. They are my heart. My next passion is God. I love God for helping me get through some of the toughest days I have ever been through. God is the reason I am still here believing in this life that it can still be good after all the bad. We all have bad days but those bad days, months & even years doesn't have to be a bad life. Sometimes life just happens & we cannot control it. But God can help us & pull us through it all. God is so good. My next passion is Avon. I love all things Avon from skin care, to lip gloss, jewelry & more. We really have so much to offer to everyone. It can even help you be a stay at home mom or bring in extra money when needed. I love our team & helping them with whatever they want. On this channel, it's all about showcasing the products and giving tips for customers and reps. Thank you for stopping by. Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share on anything you see. Arlena Lecroy
Subscribers: 1.3K Videos: 481 Total views: 103.3K Gravity: 56.9*
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Channel Handle: @arlenalecroy
Channel ID: UC1O2__484K82rB90RpDvCJw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 16 October 2013.
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rating from 14 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Arlena Lecroy added to FindAChannel 29 December 2023 (Channel #474056). Entry last modified 17 April 2024.