Irreverent, but delivered with fun and hospitality. Imagine, if possible, a mashup of Old Letterman and Huell Howser. Okay, that was the "How" Here is the What and Where: ARTO makes tile and brick in Los Angeles out of clay and concrete, from scratch. We can build over 250,000 different types of items, but we also do custom and bespoke with other media. We are known for Rustic Elegance. We do old world all the way through to the current, modern style, all with a handcrafted feel. The Why: Founded by Mr. Arto Alajian, currently run by his two sons Vod and Armen. Charged with making product you want to acquire along with over 70 people whose households we are responsible for. Your feedback is valued—it keeps my therapy bills down! If you don't know what I mean by Old Letterman, then you are probably very young or very old. And if you don't know who Huell Howser is you are probably in the same demographic, plus not from The Los Angeles region. - Armen

Subscribers: 2.5K   Videos: 252   Total views: 790.7K   Gravity: 53.7*  

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Channel Handle: @artobrick
Channel ID: UCDEE-SIviF3ZkeEmW092Stg
Channel's country: United States

Channel was established: 27 December 2016.

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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.

ARTO added to FindAChannel 29 November 2023 (Channel #450045). Entry last modified 04 March 2025.