Hayley Armstrong: Black Voice Actress | Voice Over
Hayley Armstrong is a top Black voice actress with one of the best African American voices in the VO industry. Hayley's voice has been described by clients as youthful, urban, edgy, hip and she specializes in narrating projects that need African American female voices. She's done voiceover for McDonald's, Doordash, Black Girls Rock, and other brands! Check out more of Hayley's voiceover work and hire her on her website: https://www.hayleyarmstrongvoiceover.com/ voice over samples: https://www.hayleyarmstrongvoiceover.com/work/black-voice-actor-hayley-armstrong more sample voice overs: https://www.hayleyarmstrongvoiceover.com/work Get Black Voices on your next African American Voice Over Project with Black Voice Actor: Hayley Armstrong Email: Haylaylee444@gmail.com (BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY, NOT ACCEPTING UNPAID WORK)
Subscribers: 35.8K Videos: 62 Total views: 88.8K Gravity: 75.8*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/@black-voice-actors/
Channel ID: UCb8tucIfSAdZP64G9Ean6yA
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 10 July 2010.
Channel's Videos
rating from 15 viewers
Black Voiceover Artists Hayley Armstrong: Short Voiceover Sample (15 sec)
rating from 4 viewers -
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Hayley Armstrong: Black Voice Actress | Voice Over added to FindAChannel 03 May 2023 (Channel #376632). Entry last modified 28 September 2024.