Bookkeeping Journey
I am a Virtual Bookkeeper and Certified QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor. This channel is base on my Journey to building my bookkeeping business and the steps that I took to become a full-time Bookkeeper. I share my knowledge in Quickbooks online through short training tutorials and I also invite people that offer services to small businesses that I believe will benefit from their service. I currently strive to once per week but this is subject to change as life happens ;). I share from my sad times to achievements as the whole reason for starting this channel was not only for me to stay accountable to myself in building my bookkeeping business but it is also to help that rising bookkeeper not to make some of the mistakes that I did. Welcome to Bookkeeping Journey! #BookkeepingJourney, #QuickbooksOnline2020 #Bookkeeping #QuickBooksonlineTutorials, #How to be a bookkeeper #BookkeepingBusiness #Bookkeepingtraining #QuickBooksonlinetraining2020
Subscribers: 1K Videos: 177 Total views: 32.2K Gravity: 67.2*
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Channel ID: UCu0JqGxyLIxGt4yDOkHiSWw
Channel was established: 03 March 2020.
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What a business owner looks for when they are looking to hire a Bookkeeper
rating from 7 viewers
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Bookkeeping Journey added to FindAChannel 14 May 2021 (Channel #94173). Entry last modified 24 May 2022.