CC Church, Kurnool
The Cole’s Centennial church standing in the heart of the city is a marvel among the Christian monuments. The church was an idea of W.A. Stanton, a dedicated missionary who worked during the World War I in Kurnool. He contacted his doctor friend in the United States who readily agreed to fund the projects and sent an amount of Rs. 4,500 for purchase of land immediately. Later, the family of Ackerman Coles contributed Rs. 60,000 for the construction of the magnificent church in Scottish-Gothic model with a huge tower of 100 ft and a spacious prayer hall. Around 2,000 persons can congregate in the hall while wide space is available in and around the church. Rose windows were extensively used in the structure. The donor presented a clock and bell which remains an attraction even now. The Church was named Coles Centennial Baptist Telugu Church commemorating the 100 years of service of American Foreign mission which worked between 1813 and 1913.
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Channel ID: UCLNxud4E4K8idNwnhrrlxhw
Channel was established: 03 October 2017.
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COLES CHURCH, KURNOOL - MESSAGE By Rev. R. PASKAL PRAKASH 2nd Service at 10.00 am On 28/11/2021
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CC Church, Kurnool added to FindAChannel 01 May 2021 (Channel #79310). Entry last modified 19 April 2024.