Chinese Medical Interest Group at UCLA
Welcome to the Introduction to Medical Mandarin course. We have prepared this course in the hopes of creating a healthcare workforce to better care for the Chinese Diaspora and LEP Chinese population. See In this course designed for intermediate/advanced Mandarin speakers, we will introduce you to the vocab and phrases commonly encountered in clinical settings. Each chapter is devoted to one or a group of specialties. That being said, only knowing individual words and phrases is not enough; understanding the connotation and cultural differences are important to clear communication and avoid offense. The “cultural notes” in each chapter clarify terms and points out inadequacy of translations. We appreciate your interest in Medical Mandarin. Learning language is an arduous but fun process. Remember, the hard work you are dedicating to now will translate to better patient care in the future. Created by Frank Qi at DGSOM.
Subscribers: 1K Videos: 9 Total views: 25.7K Gravity: 48.3*
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Channel Handle: @chinesemedicalinterestgrou5037
Channel ID: UCsDIio7Wq9azCrQuIMuiaIw
Channel was established: 11 August 2021.
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Chinese Medical Interest Group at UCLA added to FindAChannel 19 December 2023 (Channel #467961). Entry last modified 18 June 2024.