Cindy Briggs
Discover how you can paint with flowing watercolors and draw with flowing lines. Cindy Briggs' watercolor workshops take you from the mountains of Utah to the Villages of Europe. She shows you how she travels with her palette, teaches internationally plus leads "live" Zoom Painting sessions from her studio. A master artist, Cindy has a Signature with the National Watercolor Society and Northwest Watercolor Society. She conducts workshops with Smithsonian Studio Arts, University of Utah, Watercolor Live, French Escapade, and a is a Brand Ambassador for Daniel Smith Fine Art Watercolors. You can find her teaching online in the studio & en plein air (painting outside) travel art workshops throughout Europe, and from coast-to-coast in the US. Cindy's uplifting online programs take you virtually to places like in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, California, and Zion National Park. Check her website for info and get a FREE Lesson. Discover More at
Subscribers: 5.8K Videos: 81 Total views: 281.4K Gravity: 61.9*
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Channel ID: UCyc6zfRrXfynVPm3W0Pw5bw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 02 May 2013.
Channel's Videos
rating from 91 viewers
Cindy Briggs French Escapade SW of France Watercolor Sketchbook Tour
rating from 74 viewers -
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watercolor paintings watercolor painting
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Cindy Briggs added to FindAChannel 18 July 2022 (Channel #242066). Entry last modified 11 April 2024.