Co-optex, the Apex body of Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society Limited, committed to the development of Handloom sector complying with Fair Trade Practice and Global Best Practice has been the largest in the Indian Handloom Co-operative sector functioning under the Dept of Handlooms & Textiles of the Govt of Tamil Nadu since 1935. Over the years, Co-optex has emerged as a trusted homegrown multi-million business enterprise establishing its presence in the national and global market space. Co-optex is also acting as the nodal agency of the Government of Tamil Nadu for implementing various Welfare Schemes for the benefit of artisans. Today, Co-optex is supporting about 2.13 Lakhs Handlooms covering a population of about 12.50 Lakh weavers’ family.
Subscribers: 2.3K Videos: 25 Total views: 178.3K Gravity: 12.3*
Channel URL:
Channel Handle: @co-optex_india
Channel ID: UCongouZt_vTiJvELHXLbwyA
Channel was established: 19 January 2012.
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rating from 89 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Co-optex added to FindAChannel 06 February 2024 (Channel #502146). Entry last modified 13 April 2024.