Crashi letsplay
Hello, I am Marcel, 18 years old. This channel will only consist of BeamNG Drive. I also want to bring quality videos. The Process - Recording the Clips with oCam! 3-5 hours, sometimes longer - Editing & synchronizing clips with music & addition of captions / sound effects with Premiere Pro (1-3 hours) - Descriptions, Thumbnails etc. (30 min) Game Info: is a realistic, immersive driving game offering near-limitless possibilities. Our soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in realistic, dynamic behavior My Upload is random! :) Please subscribe and like my videos when you like this channel thanks! :D
Subscribers: 2.5K Videos: 489 Total views: 662.3K Gravity: 65.7*
Channel URL:
Channel ID: UC7Jmp8QJe8SOkyt3zX7zCSQ
Channel's country: Germany
Channel was established: 27 August 2017.
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rating from 58 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Crashi letsplay added to FindAChannel 03 July 2021 (Channel #131347). Entry last modified 14 April 2024.