cynch makes
DIY YouTuber | Art Department for Film & TV | Belfast, Northern Ireland | Hello I'm Cara and welcome to cynch makes. I work professionally in the Art Department for film and TV and love to create DIY YouTube videos. For all media inquiries
Subscribers: 1.9K Videos: 24 Total views: 210.2K Gravity: 52.7*
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Channel ID: UCjpzSCouGhBgi3q5dw23kng
Channel was established: 12 April 2015.
Channel's Videos
rating from 29 viewers
Help me my face is on fire!!??????#retinol #skincaretips #larocheposay
rating from 9 viewers -
Retinol burn and skin update. Sudden for the win #retinol #skinbarrier #skincaretips
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
cynch makes added to FindAChannel 23 December 2022 (Channel #331209). Entry last modified 04 April 2024.