Dad's Dishes
On Dad's Dishes you'll see me modify and demonstrate how to make healthy recipes with alternative healthier ingredients as well as try healthy recipes to report on the end result. Not everyone is ready to jump into 100% natural healthy foods. I get it, it's hard. Sugar is an addiction and you may have to ween off of it. For me, eating low carb, high fat (keto diet) really helped me on my journey to better health. That's why I want to show you how to alter recipes to move towards more healthy ingredients over time, including even some vegetarian recipes for weight loss! The Standard American diet ("SAD") full of processed foods and sugar is destroying our health over the long haul. Therefore I'm always looking for ways to remove processed ingredients (go sugar free!) and substitute them with natural, whole food and real food alternatives. I'm also always looking for ways to remove inflammatory foods. But my clean recipes for weight loss are full of good taste, honest!
Subscribers: 1K Videos: 52 Total views: 78.4K Gravity: 61.9*
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Channel Handle: @dadsdishes
Channel ID: UCklupF3F8Axi7h_l6FtBzlA
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 29 April 2020.
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healthy ingredients keto diet healthy recipes healthy food
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Dad's Dishes added to FindAChannel 28 January 2024 (Channel #491649). Entry last modified 09 April 2024.