Dr Rahul gogoi Maxillo Facial Plastic Surgery
SkulptFace Clinic , Guwahati WhatsApp - +91-76369-74861 Dr Rahul Gogoi is a Facial Plastic Surgeon, he completed his surgical residency in Maxillo-Facial Surgery from Army College, and then went on to complete his Fellowship in Facial Plastic Surgery from Beirut. At present he is the director of Skulpt-Face Clinic Guwahati and Chief Consultant in Dept of Facial Plastic Surgery & Maxillo-Facial Surgery in 6 Mile GNRC Hospital. For appointment You can contact the reception @+91-76369-74861
Subscribers: 1.4K Videos: 44 Total views: 117.5K Gravity: 60.8*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/@drrahulgogoimaxillofacialp3447
Channel Handle: @drrahulgogoimaxillofacialp3447
Channel ID: UCqAJ3RcJjXLIt9u__ahaQ3Q
Channel was established: 21 June 2014.
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rating from 16 viewers
Neck liposuction and RF Contouring for double chin reduction - Dr Rahul Gogoi
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Double Eyelid surgery and lower eyebag surgery technique. Dr Rahul Gogoi India
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Dr Rahul gogoi Maxillo Facial Plastic Surgery added to FindAChannel 26 November 2023 (Channel #447191). Entry last modified 29 February 2024.