Emily Bourne
Emily Bourne is an author from central west NSW, meaning she’s an Aussie Country girl at heart. Emily writes books about self-discovery and finding love. Believing, you can’t have a romantic relationship that works until you truly love yourself. She specialises in teen and young adult novels about social issues, layered with romantic suspense. Emily’s books can have you laughing-out-loud, reaching for the tissues, cramping with anxiety, and your heart swelling double-size. She spends her days diligently writing, procrastinating on Instagram (@iemilybourne), and distractedly playing with her cat Norman. https://emilybourne.net
Subscribers: 2.2K Videos: 176 Total views: 101.9K Gravity: 76.3*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/emilylunaticwritingabook/
Channel ID: UCaa0pB9ohy9_in_Dvqn0l4w
Channel was established: 28 July 2017.
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Emily Bourne added to FindAChannel 16 April 2021 (Channel #60345). Entry last modified 24 April 2024.