Ergodyne: Safety Work Gear Manufacturer
Since 1983, Ergodyne has pioneered the development of products that Make The Workplace A Betterplace™. What started with just one product has grown into a line of top flight, battle-tested, Tenacious Work Gear®. We deliver the most innovative, well-crafted safety gear and training solutions that safety pros demand, workers desire and jobsites require providing protection, promoting prevention, and ensuring compliance; all driving towards the goal of zero injuries. The current lineup is extensive and constantly growing: ProFlex® Hand Protection, ProFlex® Knee Pads, ProFlex® Supports, Skullerz® Eye Protection, Skullerz® Head Protection, Trex® Footwear Accessories, Chill-Its® Cooling Products, N-Ferno® Warming Products, GloWear® Hi-Vis Apparel, Squids® Lanyards, Arsenal® Equipment Storage Systems, and SHAX® Portable Work Shelters. For more information on Ergodyne, visit or call 800.225.8238.
Subscribers: 2.2K Videos: 535 Total views: 829.3K Gravity: 66.2*
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Channel ID: UCEgumdsshgCdILmUk3g4akQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 24 July 2009.
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Add the Skullerz 8944 Soft Foam Bump Cap to Any Hat for Lightweight Protection Against Head Injuries
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Ergodyne: Safety Work Gear Manufacturer added to FindAChannel 17 April 2022 (Channel #200448). Entry last modified 09 April 2024.