Essential SQL
Essential SQL is the go-to platform for learning all aspects of SQL, from basic concepts to complex data architectures and designs. On this channel you'll find videos to help you learn SQL. Whether you're just beginning or wondering how some advanced concepts work, this channel is for you. With over 30 years of experience in SQL and a degree in Computer Engineering, Kris is passionate about teaching this valuable skill to others. Through his blog, EssentialSQL, and online courses, Kris shares his expertise with students from a variety of industries. The courses provide hands-on experience with practical exercises, allowing students to apply what they learn and see the results for themselves. Kris is dedicated to guiding students every step of the way, from selecting data to modifying tables and using built-in functions. Enroll in Kris's courses today and gain the skills and confidence needed to excel in the world of SQL.
Subscribers: 4.1K Videos: 142 Total views: 321.6K Gravity: 66.9*
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Channel ID: UC3SRwb2uCUNXQVdJReWT-dw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 24 January 2014.
Channel's Videos
rating from 38 viewers
Relational Database Base Design Patterns for Beginners | Essential SQL
rating from 21 viewers -
Mastering Moving Averages in SQL: A Comprehensive Guide | EssentialSQL
rating from 31 viewers
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online course sql server learn sql
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Essential SQL added to FindAChannel 11 January 2023 (Channel #338485). Entry last modified 21 April 2024.