Get Plant Based
Get Plant-Based is brought to you by Philippa and Stu Brown. Starting any new diet can be daunting and sometimes difficult to get your head around. A Plant-based diet takes a bit of getting used to and a lot of research and willingness to try new things. The key to a well balanced plant-based diet is to always explore new foods. Remember to mix it up and keep it fresh by constantly looking for new recipe idea’s to stop yourself becoming bored with your meal plans. One must never assume that a vegan diet is automatically healthy. It requires 100% commitment and a lot of research to ensure you are getting all of your essential vitamins. Removing meat and dairy from your diet is extremely beneficial to your health but must be paired with upping your intake of whole foods and plants to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Avoid highly processed foods and meat alternatives from the vegan section or consume as a weekend treat as they are full of high levels of processed oils and preservatives.
Subscribers: 1K Videos: 33 Total views: 120.3K Gravity: 52.4*
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Channel Handle: @getplantbased
Channel ID: UCA8dUBf47e6zAyEWqsaDUWw
Channel's country: United Kingdom
Channel was established: 21 November 2019.
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Get Plant Based added to FindAChannel 28 March 2024 (Channel #536895). Entry last modified 29 March 2024.