Green Mountain Mobile Blasting & Powder Coating
Facebook: Website: Thank you for hitting the Like and Subscribe that helps our channel out tremendously. We are a small business in Northern Vermont that does Media Blasting and Powder Coating. Our interest is to help everyday people learn how to powder coat for very little money. The powder coating community on Youtube is awesome so i suggest watching other powder coating channels for content. Please understand powder coaters do things the way that they were taught so you will see differences in processes. Before adding rude comments on our channel or their channels ask why we or they do it the way they do before you assume its incorrect. There are many ways to achieve the same outcome. Enjoy our channel and please consider hitting the like and subscribe and clicking on the notification bell. SOON we will be doing Mobile Dustless Blasting in our videos We Sell the X1-Reaper at cost
Subscribers: 1.3K Videos: 188 Total views: 147.1K Gravity: 65.6*
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Channel Handle: @gmpc
Channel ID: UCSU5xi4OIAVP-RpAJP4LcWw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 17 June 2018.
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rating from 59 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Green Mountain Mobile Blasting & Powder Coating added to FindAChannel 01 June 2024 (Channel #545217). Entry last modified 27 October 2024.