Jailbreak iOS 14 updates! We entered a new golden age of jailbreaking with iOS 13, and that’s about to continue with iOS 14. All because of checkm8, a low-level bootrom exploit. Previously, we'd have to wait months for 1 or 2 jailbreaks per major version of iOS (e.g. unc0ver for iOS 13 - 13.5). That's all changed with the release of the first iOS 13 jailbreak, checkra1n based on said checkm8 exploit. Now we expect to get more jailbreak for iOS 14 as a direct result of this. Why is checkm8 so powerful? Due to its low-level nature, it cannot be patched by Apple with iOS 14 updates. As for A12 and A13 (iPhone XS - iPhone 11), they'll benefit too! Checkra1n will result in new jailbreak iOS 14 exploits for ALL devices. For more, check out our iOS 14 jailbreak updates. iCrackUriDevice - iCu iD (Tanner): Copyright © 2010 - 2020, all rights reserved. iCrackYouriDevice The Official iCrackUriDevice Website is Best Tech Info: https://besttechinfo.com
Subscribers: 1.1M Videos: 1.6K Total views: 206.7M Gravity: 68.3*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ/
Channel ID: UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ
Channel was established: 24 June 2010.
Channel's estimated monthly earnings: $1634.99†
Channel's Videos
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Top 50+ FREE Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks! (Untethered iOS 14 Jailbreak)
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How to Jailbreak iOS 14.8 with Unc0ver - Install iOS 14.8 Today!
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iCrackUriDevice added to FindAChannel 20 February 2022 (Channel #178421). Entry last modified 17 October 2024.