Institution of Mechanical Engineers - IMechE
Mechanical engineer? Or just interested? Subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with our latest videos and webinars! Official channel of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, also known as IMechE - improving the world through engineering. What does it mean to be a Mechanical Engineer? Watch the latest mechanical engineering technology in action, keep up with engineering industry news and find career and learning advice right here. IMechE has been at the heart of the the mechanical engineering profession since we were founded in 1847 in Birmingham by George Stephenson - the 'Father of Railways'. We cover a wide range of engineering industry sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical engineering, Construction & Building Services, Cross-sector technologies, Manufacturing, Power & Energy, Process and Railway. Today, working hard to support our 115,000 members, the Institution is the market leader among professional engineering bodies.
Subscribers: 21.5K Videos: 1.2K Total views: 1.8M Gravity: 80*
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Channel ID: UC8BKeWsn1E0uhN0c0x7-AMw
Channel's country: United Kingdom
Channel was established: 07 April 2008.
Channel's Videos
rating from 5 viewers
An Introduction to Engineering in the Energy, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
rating from 4 viewers -
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers - IMechE added to FindAChannel 03 April 2022 (Channel #193063). Entry last modified 18 January 2025.