Jessica Maguire
The Vagus Nerve Program: An 8 week in-depth overview of stress and trauma, responses to it and ways to reset and grow. 20th MAY - 14th JULY 2024 Sign up today: Learn science-backed tools to regulate stress and emotions, increase resilience, and transform your life. Nervous system dysregulation can be the root cause of many health issues including chronic pain, autoimmune issues, gut disorders, depression, anxiety and burnout. Our life-changing courses give you the tools to regulate your neurobiology and repair these chronic health issues from the inside out, rather than just treating the symptoms. We teach not just the practical exercises (the 'how") but also the scientific rationale (the 'why').
Subscribers: 9.6K Videos: 79 Total views: 181.2K Gravity: 77.3*
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Channel ID: UCcLmgqsQ6XBAvZcmHIotJAA
Channel was established: 13 July 2013.
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Jessica Maguire added to FindAChannel 17 July 2022 (Channel #241228). Entry last modified 21 April 2024.