Jonathan Gross

I'm just a guy who makes animations for fun. I was inspired by Robert Benfer and various anime series like One Punch Man, One Piece, and Naruto to make my own creations. I animate with Van Aken Plastalina Clay, Microsoft Paint, and iMovie (yes really). My channel took off after I tried Saitama's training from One Punch Man (no, I'm not doing it anymore), and now I'm doing my own thing and expressing myself through my creations!

Subscribers: 19.9K   Videos: 38   Total views: 37.1K   Gravity: 70.4*  

Channel URL:
Channel Handle: @jonathangross2905
Channel ID: UCs7AaKIwYUBpogYmqvVYbzQ
Channel's country: United States

Channel was established: 21 January 2016.

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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.

Jonathan Gross added to FindAChannel 28 January 2024 (Channel #491525). Entry last modified 06 April 2024.