Kyle's Digital Lab
Welcome to my YouTube channel! On this channel, I mostly review PCs and laptops, but I can upload anything I find interesting, such as vintage video cameras, A/V equipment, and more. I also upload more personal videos such as vlogs sometimes - but I mostly focus on tech. It's amazing how I have over 2000 subscribers - something I never thought of when I first began this channel in 2015. FAQ: Q: What do you use to edit? A: Abode Premiere Pro CC 2018 Q: What do you use to make thumbnails, channel art, and your profile pictures? A: Abode Photoshop CC 2018 Q: What are your PC specs? OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB 64-bit CPU: Intel Core i5 4690K @ 3.50GHz RAM: 32.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (9-9-9-24) Graphics: 2x ASUS VP247 (1920x1080@75Hz) Intel HD Graphics 4600 6GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Storage: 2x 931GB Western Digital WDC WD10EZEX-00BN5A0 (SATA) 232GB Crucial CT250BX100SSD1 (SSD)
Subscribers: 3.6K Videos: 62 Total views: 947.7K Gravity: 53.8*
Channel URL:
Channel ID: UCJe4LxREWZmWj8uHnTIdRTQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 07 June 2015.
Channel's Videos
rating from 166 viewers
Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 2022 - Filmed on my 1982 Sony Betamax Video Camera!
rating from 120 viewers -
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About this Data
*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Kyle's Digital Lab added to FindAChannel 07 April 2021 (Channel #18770). Entry last modified 25 April 2024.