L.A. County Department of Mental Health / LACDMH
General Policy: The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) manages this Social Media Site (SMS)/YouTube page to provide a forum for improving communications with our employees, government customers and the general public. This SMS/YouTube page will discuss the news, events and success stories at LACDMH. This SMS policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure the SMS's continued use is consistent with its intended purpose as a limited forum. Opinions expressed by visitors to the page(s) do not reflect the opinions of the Department. Posted comments will be monitored and the Department reserves the right to remove obscenities, off-topic comments, personal attacks and any comments that are not consistent with the purpose of the LACDMH site.
Subscribers: 1.7K Videos: 223 Total views: 924.8K Gravity: 55.1*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/lacdmh/
Channel ID: UCgE_pjnhXDc4EZ9vmfKff5w
Channel was established: 21 June 2011.
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Dr. Jonathan Sherin on ABC-TV shares methods to stay connected in the new year!
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
L.A. County Department of Mental Health / LACDMH added to FindAChannel 02 June 2021 (Channel #120970). Entry last modified 21 April 2024.