London Trading Institute
Having worked on the Trading Floors for some of the Biggest Banks & Hedge Funds such as J.P. Morgan, Schroders & Barclays Capital, Andy Demi has been fortunate to live the life of a Professional Trader. Back in 2015 he once managed a $200M account for a Hedge Fund and his single biggest winning trade was when he banked $123,380! Nowadays he is the Head Trader and CEO at the London Trading Institute where his aim is to help retail traders to understand how to trade more like the institutions. In between this he does 2 x live weekly shows inside his private Facebook group, coaches his students, trades from home whilst spending time with his family and is also proud to be working in collaboration with Middlesex University to provide course content for one of the modules of their finance degrees.
Subscribers: 3.6K Videos: 681 Total views: 197K Gravity: 63*
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Channel Handle: @londontradinginstitute
Channel ID: UCq_OhK6bLeGd-nsBiSyPPTw
Channel was established: 05 January 2016.
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
London Trading Institute added to FindAChannel 14 December 2023 (Channel #464461). Entry last modified 14 April 2024.