Making Dough Restaurant Show - by Hengam Stanfield
Welcome to Making Dough Show Your go-to place for step by step practical training to grow your restaurant sales day in and day out. Being a restaurant owner is not for the faint of heart but we firmly believe: ?"Sales, cures a multitude of issues" ?Percentage of restaurants going out of business is mind boggling. Having great sales may not solve all of your problems, but let me tell you, it makes it all bearable! We are Matthew and Enga! We bought a failing restaurant with 0 prior experience in the restaurant business and we were able to double our restaurant sales in less than 2 years and be awarded the Small Business of the Year award for two consecutive years. It took God's favor, a lot of Blood, sweat and tears + an obsession with marketing that got us out of the ditch! We are in the trenches just like you, dealing with customers, staff, equipment failure and much more! Join Us in this journey and let's crush our restaurant sales month after month.
Subscribers: 11.7K Videos: 497 Total views: 605.4K Gravity: 82*
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Channel ID: UCEE0Yos53Jrsj8Klz0aSEgw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 31 May 2017.
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rating from 168 viewers
Surviving the Restaurant Rollercoaster: Tales from the Kitchen Frontlines! Who can relate?????
rating from 10 viewers -
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Making Dough Restaurant Show - by Hengam Stanfield added to FindAChannel 09 April 2021 (Channel #30262). Entry last modified 26 April 2024.