May Lindstrom Skin
? Feel-good luxury skincare.? The May Lindstrom Skin collection was born from a giddy passion to foster a deep and abiding connection and loving relationship between you and your glorious skin. Each step of our intimate process, from product ideation and formulation to packing and shipping, takes place in our private Los Angeles studio. We are proud to be a direct-to-consumer, family-owned and run natural skincare brand, serving you since 2011. From acne and breakouts and conditions like rosacea and eczema to the effects of chemotherapy or autoimmune diseases, the May Lindstrom Skin collection was created to nourish and feed YOU, in and beyond your skin. We are here to welcome you to the sacredness within your self-care rituals, magnified by the potency of pure plant oils, minerals, and herbs. Our mission is to provide a catalyst for a conscious timeout, to inspire moments of sensory pleasure paired with undeniable results, all delivered to you with immaculate care.
Subscribers: 1.2K Videos: 42 Total views: 47.4K Gravity: 52.4*
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Channel Handle: @maylindstromskin
Channel ID: UCbERWYm6Afj8b71tkxXHodA
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 06 April 2016.
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May Lindstrom Skin added to FindAChannel 12 March 2024 (Channel #530867). Entry last modified 02 May 2024.