Murugan Tex
Dear customers!!! ??We are own manufacturers of chettinad pure cotton sarees ??60s count 80s and 100s count pure cotton sarees available ??Madisar sarees and set sarees also available ??For order WhatsApp us 8072669304 ??Direct shop purchase available ??Also home delivery available through online orders ??Single saree also delivery available ?? DIRECT SHOP VISITORS HAVE MORE CONCESSIONS IN PRICE ?? Shop address: Murugan Tex Pudhu mela Theru Jakkampatty Aundipatty post Theni district Tamilnadu 625512 WhatsApp 8072669304
Subscribers: 3.9K Videos: 445 Total views: 146.7K Gravity: 49.9*
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Channel Handle: @murugantex-chettinadcotton9699
Channel ID: UCy9__Ljncc37U4xbqRUzQVQ
Channel was established: 25 August 2020.
Channel's Videos
rating from 8 viewers
Summer special Kanchi cotton sarees #kanchicottonsarees #chettinadcottonsarees
rating from 4 viewers -
Traditional Chettinad cotton sarees #cottonsarees #chettinadcottonsarees #kanchicottonsarees
rating from 5 viewers -
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Murugan Tex added to FindAChannel 06 February 2024 (Channel #502095). Entry last modified 20 March 2024.