musicTap official Youtube Channel that will promote World's finest Vocal Deep House music, and many more. » We present to you - "musicTap" - a music project that aims to bring the music to a whole new level. Sensual deep music with beautiful photography and minimalistic design, musicTap will touch your heart like nothing before. FAQ: "Are your videos copyright free & can I use the songs on my videos?" We own direct rights to use the tracks on our channel, and you will have to ask the artists themselves. "Is this copyright free?" Most of the songs aren't Copyright Free. We receive the songs from the labels or we get written legal permission from the artists directly. "Where do you get your backgrounds?" We get the backgrounds from since their photos are free for commercial and non-commercial use. "Do you have written permissions for your uploads?" Yes! We have written permissions from all the labels that we work with.
Subscribers: 501K Videos: 647 Total views: 502.4M Gravity: 69.7*
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Channel's country: Serbia
Channel was established: 18 December 2015.
Channel's estimated monthly earnings: $5385.99†
Channel's Videos
rating from 338 viewers
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About this Data
*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
†A channel's earnings as shown on FindAChannel are just a rough estimate. There are many factors that will affect how much a channel will actually earn. It is possible that this channel may earn up to 10x as much as our estimated figure. Channel owners may also generate additional income from their channels by using endorsements, merchandise or promotion of affiliate offers.
musicTap added to FindAChannel 01 June 2022 (Channel #223225). Entry last modified 01 December 2024.