Myia Equestrian
Hi! My name is Myia, I'm 16 years old and live on a farm with my critters. :) Sunshine is a POA (Sport Pony), 11 years old, and 13.2 hh. She is a very sweet and speedy pony :) We are training in eventing and competing at beginner novice level at mostly schooling events so far. It's a blast! XC is our favorite! Sienna is a Arab/Quarter Horse, 21 years old, and 14hh. She our retired mare and enjoys hand walks to the mail box, grazing in the field, cookies (as well as the other ponies), and napping in the sun. Shadow is a Morgan/Quarter Horse/Arab cross (we think), 16 years old, and 14.2hh. He is a big sweetheart! Shadow belongs to my brother Owen and they mostly do trail riding around the farm and some dressage. Cash is a baby/growing warmblood and is cuteness overload :) My cats are Marble, Caramel, Claws, Bootsy, and Hazel. Elsa my puppy is a Lab/German Shepherd cross. She's my best little friend and we do everything together!
Subscribers: 4.8K Videos: 76 Total views: 225.5K Gravity: 55.3*
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Channel ID: UCPcESof9w4z87KNqTQVWqZw
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 07 April 2018.
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rating from 167 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Myia Equestrian added to FindAChannel 18 November 2022 (Channel #323376). Entry last modified 03 November 2024.