New Spaces
New Spaces is a Design Build Remodeling Contractor in the Minneapolis St. Paul Twin Cities Region. New Spaces Remodeling specializes in Bathroom, Kithcen, Basement, and Main Level interior remodels. We've been performing 40-50 remodels a year since the lat 1980's, and our work speaks for itself. If you're dreaming of remodeling your kitchen, bathroom, basement or home, please reach out to us here at New Spaces, we have a number of ways you can intersect with us. We have our monthly Trends and Spends Remodeling Seminar events held in St. Louis Park and our Burnsville Showroom.
Subscribers: 6K Videos: 126 Total views: 948.9K Gravity: 56.5*
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Channel ID: UC05Q3X_eXsSEC-0TtNDIXdQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 13 September 2013.
Channel's Videos
rating from 4,831 viewers
Virtual tour of kitchen remodel by New Spaces remodel - Behind the scenes, ideas and trends
rating from 6 viewers
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kitchen remodeling bathroom remodeling
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
New Spaces added to FindAChannel 16 April 2021 (Channel #62180). Entry last modified 08 April 2024.