Nick -MACHINE- Lavery
Welcome to the official channel of Nick Lavery— active-duty Green Beret with The United States Army Special Forces. Nick is currently serving the United States citizens as a Special Forces Warrant Officer and is widely recognized as an experienced subject matter expert in special operations, intelligence fusion, mission planning, and complex problem solving across all operational continua. Nick is considered the first Special Forces operator to return to combat as an above the knee amputee and is the first amputee in military history to complete the Special Forces Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification course, the SOCP Instructor course, and the Combat Diver Qualification course. Disclaimer: No content or comments represent that of the DoD, U.S. Army, or the Special Forces Regiment. The Line Between Determination And Madness Business / Booking / Info / Contact:
Subscribers: 19.1K Videos: 288 Total views: 943K Gravity: 89.7*
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Channel Handle: @nickmachinelavery
Channel was established: 14 November 2012.
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rating from 513 viewers
Opportunity is at an all time high. Leverage it and move out. @thepresentfathers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Nick -MACHINE- Lavery added to FindAChannel 02 December 2023 (Channel #452966). Entry last modified 21 March 2024.