Nimea Kaya Healing Center
The Nimea Kaya Healing Center is devoted to the collective healing of Mother Earth and humanity. In the Shipibo language, Nimea Kaya signifies Spirit of the Jungle. Through our retreats we aim to help our guests awaken to their fullest potential by expanding their consciousness and healing their bodies, minds & spirits. We also focus on raising awareness in the preservation of shamanic traditions, local indigenous cultures and the Amazon Rainforest. We are dedicated here at the center in helping individuals seeking transformative change and growth in their lives. Our ceremonial work with Madre Ayahuasca, guided by local Shipibo Healers, has helped many guests from all over the world find more balance, peace & purpose in their lives. For more info on our retreats, visit us at:
Subscribers: 4.2K Videos: 146 Total views: 535K Gravity: 74.6*
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Channel ID: UC4sKqXXB5IKe8awgschTnYg
Channel's country: Peru
Channel was established: 19 June 2014.
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Nimea Kaya Healing Center added to FindAChannel 26 December 2022 (Channel #332477). Entry last modified 24 June 2024.