Office of Public Works
The OPW is a service organisation. Our ethos is to be client focused, to ensure timely delivery of services and to provide value for money. Our remit covers two main areas - Estate Portfolio Management including Heritage Services and Flood Risk Management (all areas are supported by Corporate Services). The mission of the OPW is to use our experience and expertise in our mandated areas of operation to provide innovative, effective and sustainable shared services to the public and our clients. Estate Portfolio Management and Heritage Services - The OPW's aim is to maintain a high standard in managing and conserving our buildings and heritage. Flood Risk Management - The OPW, as the leading agency for flood risk management in Ireland, minimises the impacts of flooding through sustainable planning.
Subscribers: 7.8K Videos: 467 Total views: 1.2M Gravity: 78.8*
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Channel ID: UCwTX-iJaTMnRptuTzcvbjDA
Channel's country: Ireland
Channel was established: 10 March 2014.
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rating from 4 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Office of Public Works added to FindAChannel 06 April 2021 (Channel #8610). Entry last modified 12 April 2024.