Paluzzi Guitar
From the author of the Creative Guitarist book series, Paluzzi Guitar provides professionally-designed guitar lessons for all ages, levels, and styles. Guitar Lesson Playlists - Learn to play guitar with a step by step approach. From beginner to advanced levels, just follow each guitar lesson playlist running order to advance to higher skill levels! Each Paluzzi Guitar lesson playlist will focus on a specific guitar topic, such as: Guitar Lessons for Beginners, Guitar Songs for Beginners, Blues Guitar Lessons, Flamenco Guitar Lessons, Easy Strum Guitar Songs, Guitar Scales/Soloing Lessons, Fingerstyle/Fingerpicking Guitar Lessons, etc. Karaoke Songs with Lyrics - Paluzzi Guitar also features guitar karaoke videos, so you can sing along with guitar karaoke, play guitar with guitar karaoke, or do both! Each Paluzzi Guitar karaoke songs video features unique acoustic guitar arrangements to work well for singers who want to sing along with acoustic guitar backing tracks.
Subscribers: 2.8K Videos: 243 Total views: 350.7K Gravity: 57.1*
Channel URL:
Channel Handle: @paluzziguitar
Channel ID: UCcC75odpvQGI63SflLmcx7Q
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 29 April 2019.
Channel's Videos
rating from 34 viewers
Agua de Beber (Water to Drink) Astrud Gilberto Karaoke Songs with Lyrics
rating from 16 viewers -
Feliz Navidad [I Wanna Wish You A Merry Christmas] Easy Strum Guitar Lesson
rating from 30 viewers
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guitar lessons how to play guitar
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Paluzzi Guitar added to FindAChannel 15 September 2023 (Channel #413596). Entry last modified 09 January 2025.