Hi there, welcome to my channel PINCHOFBONG My name is Momo, and I'm here to demystify my favorite recipes with easy-to-follow steps. My love for food started in my own childhood home kitchen, as Mom is an excellent cook. The fragrant spices and bold flavors of my mum’s homemade curries are my inspiration and motivation to make something little special. I moved to Canada in 2015. I got a chance to visit Toronto's most culturally diverse neighborhoods, unique ethnic pockets of the city, local hangouts, and some well-hidden gems and started to learn more about different cuisines. So there will be my mother's Bengali fish curry recipe and as well as my Canadian Poutine recipe in my channel. It is going to be a surprise roller coaster ride for all of you. Thanks a lot, and much love. Follow me on Instagram:
Subscribers: 2.4K Videos: 97 Total views: 269.6K Gravity: 56.5*
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Channel's country: Canada
Channel was established: 10 May 2020.
Channel's Videos
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
PINCH OF BONG added to FindAChannel 10 June 2023 (Channel #390630). Entry last modified 06 January 2025.