prof. Lidia Rudnicka

I am a dermatologist. Two of my main topics of interest are the treatment of hair diseases and trichoscopy. Other areas of my expertise include connective tissue diseases, other dermatological autoimmune / inflammatory diseases and immunosuppression. Skin cancer and dermoscopy are my other fields of interest. I have given many lectures worldwide. I was invited to give lectures at universities (14 lectures), national medical societies (25 lectures), congresses and conferences (170 lectures) and all recent editions of the • World Congress of Dermatology • World Congress of Dermoscopy • European Academy of Dermatology • American Academy of Dermatology (over 50 lectures) Plus hundreds of lectures at national meetings and for students. I organized the First World Congress of Trichoscopy ?? I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others ??. The COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of several of my travels, so I decided to share my knowledge via this YouTube Channel ??

Subscribers: 8.8K   Videos: 63   Total views: 350.6K   Gravity: 78.6*  

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Channel ID: UCB2DYFn8dqzIR35Dc0L0EXg
Channel's country: United States

Channel was established: 20 April 2020.

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prof. Lidia Rudnicka added to FindAChannel 13 June 2021 (Channel #125424). Entry last modified 13 April 2024.