Photoshop tutorials made by PSDDude for people that want to learn Photoshop. My channel is all about Photoshop techniques. You can teach yourself Photoshop and become a professional graphic designer. Take it from me: I'm a self taught Photoshop expert. I've started with Photoshop in 2009 and I've started writing tutorials for Photoshop on my blog Back in the day Photoshop tutorials and good learning materials were difficult to get, but I managed to reach such a level that I could make Photoshop design my second job. I've been involved in tons of commercial projects for customers all over the world. I decided to share my knowledge with those that want to learn Photoshop on their own. As you can see, my channel publishes videos that focus on Photoshop text effects, layer styles, Photoshop actions other Photoshop related techniques. If that sounds like something that could help you grow as graphic designer, then make sure to join me by subscribing!
Subscribers: 7.7K Videos: 110 Total views: 1.2M Gravity: 70.8*
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Channel ID: UC1lvG8IPxwL_rJZXy1Bm4WA
Channel's country: Romania
Channel was established: 21 October 2012.
Channel's Videos
rating from 44 viewers
STOP DOING THIS IN PHOTOSHOP: How to Grid a Photo for Drawing | #Shorts
rating from 31 viewers -
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photoshop tutorials adobe photoshop
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
PSDDude added to FindAChannel 23 January 2023 (Channel #343105). Entry last modified 14 April 2024.