Hi learners, I am delighted to have you on my channel. My name is Trish Quist-Therson. Your virtual Coach for Adobe Photoshop! Channel is dedicated to help photoshop beginners, intermediates and experts as well. Quistt Photoshop’s aim is to help you learn and create your own designs using Adobe Photoshop CC. You will find professional Adobe Photoshop Tutorials for photo manipulation, compositing, retouching, text effects, photo effects and much more. I will keep the photoshop tutorials brief, simple, and to the point. I am an Architect and an Interior Designer. I have over 15 years of Photoshop experience in my field of Architecture. Used it for editing interior design renderings to a more realistic look by adding people, objects and textures. Please subscribe now and join the community of learners! I'm here to assist you on your journey to learning Photoshop. Thank you for watching! Let's Connect.
Subscribers: 21.7K Videos: 332 Total views: 1.3M Gravity: 76.8*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/c/quisttphotoshop/
Channel ID: UC235uTXP_ZpfqBYH4FkfyvQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 25 July 2011.
Channel's Videos
rating from 132 viewers
Mother's Day Flyer Design Photoshop Tutorial | Church Flyer Design
rating from 102 viewers -
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photoshop tutorials adobe photoshop
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
QUISTT PHOTOSHOP added to FindAChannel 24 May 2021 (Channel #113456). Entry last modified 26 April 2024.