ROCA Industry
ROCA Industry | Stainless Performance - since 1976 In four decades ROCA Industry has developed, designed and produced quality products for marine and industrial applications. Our family-owned business has made steady growth and development since the start in 1976. Head Quarters is in Stockholm/Tyresö with subsidiaries in Denmark, Finland, Germany, China, and Taiwan. We have a wide range of customers and work with both standard and customer-made products. Our products can be divided into five different segments: wiper systems, fittings for interior glass, fittings for doors and windows, marine fittings and OEM. Our specialty is stainless steel products and we also work with other types of materials and surface treatments. ROCA is certified to the quality system standard, SS-EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.
Subscribers: 3.2K Videos: 53 Total views: 663.7K Gravity: 44*
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Channel ID: UCU2uuo17DgvlsX1dHamJn-Q
Channel's country: Sweden
Channel was established: 09 February 2010.
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
ROCA Industry added to FindAChannel 18 June 2023 (Channel #392985). Entry last modified 31 October 2024.