Sage Truck Driving Schools
SAGE offers a wide variety of truck driving and CDL training programs to meet the needs of students and employers. SAGE’s basic CDL training program is designed based upon the entry-level truck driver certification standards set by The Professional Truck Driver Institute (PTDI). PTDI is the country’s foremost advocate of national CDL training standards for truck driving schools. Each training program is patterned after the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Proposed Minimum Standards for Training Tractor Trailer Drivers. The programs are continually improved and updated by the schools’ program advisory committee, comprised of a broad base of the trucking industry. For more extensive online training visit - Free Online CDL Training and Permit Prep Courses. Meets Federal Guidelines.
Subscribers: 1.9K Videos: 46 Total views: 319K Gravity: 52.6*
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Channel ID: UC16a1UK8ODkFTYMH3cvmVnQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 29 December 2006.
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rating from 136 viewers
Proper Use of the Clutch Pedal in a Semi-Tractor Non-Synchronized Transmission
rating from 72 viewers -
#dispatch #dispatcher #truckdriver #truckinglife #funny #semitruck #sageschools #sagetruckingschool
rating from 7 viewers
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Sage Truck Driving Schools added to FindAChannel 09 March 2022 (Channel #183060). Entry last modified 07 April 2024.