Sentey Inc
Founded in 2001, from Doral Florida USA, SENTEY is an international company with knowledge and experience in the IT market sector, dedicated to the creation of innovative components of high quality and performance in the IT Industry. Our core of business are the components utilized for the construction and building of PCs, which are Award Winning; Computer Cases or Computer Chassis, Power Supply Units of Maximum Energy Efficiency, Accessories and Components for the PC Gaming industry that holds the most famous and admirable solutions for the Video Game enthusiast that enjoy overclocking their IT solutions and gamers all around the world. The design of our products are based on four key principal fundamentals: Innovation, Quality, Performance, Client Support and Service. Our commitment is in everything we do and work for, which is to help others and help them living a better way of life. The constant support given to our customers places SENTEY as a reliable leader manufacturer highl
Subscribers: 2.9K Videos: 76 Total views: 690.8K Gravity: 45.2*
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Channel ID: UCCaK7jG4J6s2YK0OF5_knZg
Channel was established: 20 April 2010.
Channel's Videos
rating from 408 viewers
Gabinetes PC SENTEY Slim Series REVIEW en ESPAÑOL SS1-2428 SS1-2429 SS2-2218
rating from 187 viewers -
Video Review de Teclados Gamer RGB y BackLight Stronx , Iluxion, Technus
rating from 181 viewers
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Sentey Inc added to FindAChannel 19 May 2021 (Channel #102545). Entry last modified 10 April 2024.