Shane Flint Outdoors
Hello everyone! A little about me, I am a retired Air Force veteran of 27 years and had the opportunity to fish all around the United States and the world and enjoy sharing my fishing experiences. Shane Flint Outdoors is a fishing channel dedicated to primarily fishing reservoirs and other small bodies of water. Targeting Bass and other fresh water fish from an all electric propelled boat. I do go out and fish across the United States when time allows, with my many friends. I do cover other outdoor topics, hunting, hiking, fishing gear reviews, and basically anything you can see and do outdoors may pop up. I Enjoy being in the outdoors and enjoy sharing my fishing experiences with everyone!!
Subscribers: 6.9K Videos: 194 Total views: 238.7K Gravity: 74.6*
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Channel Handle: @shaneflintoutdoors
Channel ID: UCQY2lv687bbx-gbDg1Z5VtA
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 06 May 2021.
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rating from 55 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Shane Flint Outdoors added to FindAChannel 24 December 2023 (Channel #470680). Entry last modified 07 April 2024.