Shari Harley
Shari Harley runs a Denver-based training and consulting firm helping organizations get and keep the right customers and employees by creating better business relationships. 99.99% of customer and employee turnover is predictable. Shari's clients are never surprised. Shari's favorite testimonial: " Best speaker at the conference, no contest. Hands down . . . Shari Harley. If every business enterprise in America had a Shari Harley on staff, doublespeak and baloney would wither and die in short order." SHRM Conference Attendee
Subscribers: 9.1K Videos: 64 Total views: 1.8M Gravity: 0.6*
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Channel ID: UCaTxpaMFCAPlTNR6P7XgyBQ
Channel was established: 28 June 2007.
Channel's Videos
rating from 23 viewers
Thank You For Your Feedback - Why We Should Say Thank You | Shari Harley
rating from 62 viewers -
Employee Feedback - Dealing With Employees Who Get Defensive | Shari Harley
rating from 57 viewers -
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Shari Harley added to FindAChannel 11 February 2023 (Channel #347092). Entry last modified 01 March 2024.