Stained Glass with Shannie-Mountain Woman Products
Hey there glass hoarder (or future glass hoarder!!)! Ya wanna make beautiful freakin' stained glass art? You're in the right spot my friend! There's a lot of videos out there on how to make stained glass art. Some of 'em are good (yay!), some not-so-good (your piece will end up falling apart), and some...downright dangerous (no safety equipment - eeek!) Here you'll find videos on how to properly (& safely) do all steps of the stained glass process: Cutting stained glass, Breaking glass, Grinding, Foiling tips & tricks, How to solder stained glass (I specialize in lead free solder!) & Edge Beading too. I think part of what makes stained glass sooooooo much freakin' fun is that it's always a challenge. There are a gazillion different techniques, and each problem has several causes and fixes. When you learn the right techniques, it's unendingly fun! I'm madly in love with stained glass. Frankly, it's hard to get me to talk about much else. So if ya have questions, please ask!
Subscribers: 1.1K Videos: 33 Total views: 45.5K Gravity: 65.4*
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Channel Handle: @mountainwomanproducts
Channel ID: UCsoE--MTAOy2D408hJAJssQ
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 01 January 2012.
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rating from 32 viewers
Which flux is best for Stained Glass Soldering? Liquid vs Gel vs Paste Flux Comparison
rating from 39 viewers -
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Stained Glass with Shannie-Mountain Woman Products added to FindAChannel 06 February 2024 (Channel #502137). Entry last modified 26 February 2024.