Transformation Couple
Hi, I am Mat Gunnufson, My wife and I have been out here on these entrepreneur streets for 23 years. While we would like to tell you we had overnight success, we DID NOT. We failed forward over and over for years with the full rollercoaster of we are making so much money to we are failures and back again. We went from barely scraping by to building a million dollar Amazon business & a multiple 6-figure program & subscription business. We then closed that business and went into flipping cars! But after a year into flipping cars we decided it was a good idea to diversify into cars and ALSO digital marketing. My mission is to help you experience the empowerment and thrills that come from making winning decisions I am so excited to share our hard won knowledge with you! To Learn more about how you can do digital marketing go here:
Subscribers: 6.3K Videos: 345 Total views: 425.5K Gravity: 72.7*
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Channel ID: UCmCZ9M2w-qQZeNoaxkhb8Bg
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 12 February 2008.
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I Bought My First NFT - Free Crypto NFT Online Course For Beginners
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Transformation Couple added to FindAChannel 18 May 2021 (Channel #100135). Entry last modified 27 April 2024.